Bringing the light of awareness to our inner lives invites sweet and significant growth.
I work with both individuals and couples, on more general mental health goals, with emotional and relational aspects of couples’ work, as well as practicing sex therapy with both individuals and couples.
Coming to therapy can be a daunting undertaking. A great deal of empowerment can come from collaboratively creating an individualized plan for your learning style and what you want to work on. Learning to regulate and accept a closer connection to our whole selves and others can mark a paradigm shift in our lives.
Couples who take time to invest in their relationship in therapy often experience significant growth and deeper understanding of themselves and their partner. I use Emotion-Focused Couples Therapy with couples, as it has the longest and most robust change markers of any couples modality. This framework helps couples unravel the layers of vulnerable and reactive responding cycles to connect with what they truly need. They learn to express and receive these most deeply held core needs more effectively and authentically.
Sex therapy is a highly effective modality, and works well in both an individual context and in a couples context. Most sexual concerns can be addressed in both approaches, and some folks feel more comfortable addressing these individually, while some prefer to have their sexual partner present. Some sexual goals are more directly addressed with both sexual partners present. People carry unique and meaning-laden sexual histories. Often they have never spent much time witnessing for themselves and their partners the legacy of those experience and our larger cultural context of sexual myths. We can discuss at the outset what your goals are and which approach you would prefer and what route might be most effective.
Many couples come in with some need for emotional and relational work as well as goals around more sexual satisfaction. I tend to encourage clients to define their goals at the beginning of any therapy course and then within each session we can clearly demarcate our focus. Some sessions can hold both foci. We can move between more relational content and work with more sexual dynamics with some ‘roadmapping’ and meta-discussion.